Sunday, April 1, 2012

Today I stood on a beach and let the wind blow my hair.  The sun was warm, the water cool, and the breeze strong.  It was in this moment that I realized I am content.  Content not only in where I am right now (which is finishing my first year at a school in the Florida) but also content with where I am going (I am transferring to a school in my home state of Michigan next fall).  This was a big moment for me.

The past couple months have been filled with a constant debate of what to do.  I have prayed constantly for God to speak, I have vented to nearly each and every person I know.  I have asked everyone for their advice.  But the truth is I already knew the answer.  I had known for months that I was no longer happy here, and I had suspected that God was trying to tell me that my time in this place (as in Florida) was coming to an end.  So I filled out the transfer forms, applied for housing, found a roommate.  Everything seemed to fall into place and yet at night I still found myself doubting if I was doing the right thing.  Maybe I was just wimping out.

But then God spoke.

And not in the still small voice that we are so often told he does.  No God spoke loud and clear.  On friday of this week my current school announced that due to excessive budget cuts they would no longer be offering my major.....If I ever wanted to pursue a career in environmental science (which I very much so want to) then my only choice would be to transfer.

And so I stood today on the sandy shore savoring my last days here.  At peace and content.

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