Friday, March 29, 2013

The Punishment that Brought Us Peace

It is a beautiful sunny and warm Good Friday and in honor of this day I am going to diverge from my project to write something else.

 I can't even begin to explain the joy that filled me today as I sat in Organic Chemistry and heard the murmur of several people who were talking of attending Good Friday services. I was not happy because these people were going to church but rather because I love when I meet another person who is both a person of faith and a science major.

Let me just tell ya I often feel that we Christian students who are science majors get a bad rap from other Christian students.  It seems they would much rather we be teachers, artists, or just stay home mothers in the first place. But study science? What's the point? Where is God in that?

What makes it worse is that our fellow science students themselves turn their noses up at us.  How can you possible know of all of this science and listen all of these great professors who disprove your faith and still believe?

Simple I know that life cannot be defined by the world's idea of knowledge but only by loving God:
"The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know what he ought to. But the man who loves God is known by God." ~1 Corinthians 8:2-3

My response to both Christians and non who question my study's relation to my faith is this, science is the study of the world, creation.  God created the world. With faith and the Spirit's revelation I believe that you can love God more through studying and appreciating his workmanship.

For example:
There are several laws of in science such as the conservation of mass and energy.  These both say that mass and energy can never be destroyed, the amount of mass and energy in the universe is the same today as there was at the beginning of time. It merely changes forms or is passed from organism to organism.  And now we get into my tie in to Good Friday.

You see to me these laws make complete sense because they are so in God's nature.  God is a just and fair God, he cannot go against his nature.  All of the sin that is committed in the world does not disappear, it cannot be destroyed.  It simply collects in us with overwhelming consequences that separate us from God and lead to death.  In order for God to truly be connected to His people, in order for them to commune in his presence there had to be an atonement for sin.  Something for it to be transferred to. That is what Good Friday is all about.  Jesus was beaten and bruised. Crushed and broken.  Hung on a cross.  Mocked and hated by the world.  But in this act he saved the world, for while he hung on that cross all the sins of the past, present, and future were transferred to him and away from us. Sin was not destroyed but absorbed by our loving Savior. And to this day he continues to transfer our sins away from us if we simply ask and let him take lordship over our lives.

Have a Happy Good Friday everyone. =)

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